As a valued Australia Post Philatelic Mail Order customer, we’re writing to inform you about a change to payment methods for the purchase of philatelic items.

As of 30 April 2023 Australia Post’s Philatelic Mail Order department will no longer accept personal or bank cheques (including Bank Drafts) as a method of payment for philatelic items, for either local or overseas orders.

Instead, Mail Order customers are invited to use the Order Form accompanying the Stamp Bulletin, to update to an alternative method of payment, whether direct debit or credit card.

Philatelic items can also be purchased online via the online shop.

Please note that this change applies across all Australia Post transactions, save for Post Billpay or Bank@Post deposit transactions, where the relevant agency accepts cheques as a method of payment.

Please contact 13 11 18, between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, should you have a question about this change.

Philatelic Team


This content was produced at the time of the article date above and will not be updated.