Hello Collectors
Welcome to the September–October edition of the Stamp Bulletin. As always, Philatelic remains focused on developing engaging new stamp designs, as you’ll see here.
In September–October we mark three significant anniversaries. The Norfolk Island stamp issue Peace in the Pacific commemorates the end of World War II, emphasising the contribution of Norfolk Islanders to the campaign in the Pacific. With the passing of the Air Navigation Act in 1920, civil aviation came to link up the country, as well as Australia to the world. Prime Minister John Gorton officially opened the Australian National Botanic Gardens in October 1970, their planning stretching back to the 1930s. The first trees were planted in 1949 and the gardens were opened to the public in 1967.
Across the country, water towers and tanks have been transformed from familiar functional containers into works of art, drawing visitors to the rural host towns. This issue of four stamps is a companion to earlier issues featuring silo art and street art.
Besides the Norfolk Island issue, two other territory stamp issues are released in September–October. Until the Cocos (Keeling) Islands became an Australian territory in 1955, Cocos Malay workers were paid with tokens. A selection of this currency is shown in the Currency of Cocos stamp issue. In late 2020, Australia’s new icebreaker and Antarctic resupply ship is scheduled to arrive in Hobart. The RSV Nuyina is featured in an issue of four stamps.
While we publish the Stamp Bulletin in print, I urge collectors to also subscribe to the digital version. This will ensure you receive the latest information on new stamp issues and associated products as soon as it becomes available.
This content was produced at the time of the Stamp Bulletin publication date and will not be updated.