Hello Collectors

Welcome to the July edition of the Stamp Bulletin for 2024, in which we present new stamp releases and collectables to be released over the coming weeks.

This edition presents the first of the stamp issues for July with a set of new international stamp designs featuring three Marine Emblems to complete the set for this theme. This issue covers the changes to international letter rates, which take effect from 1 July 2024.

Two major historical events are marked with a single stamp design. In 1824, the first two uncensored newspapers were published in the colonies. The first was edition no. 422 of the Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen’s Land Advertiser, printed on 4 June by then Government Printer Andrew Bent (c. 1791–1851), a former convict. We mark this anniversary with A Free Press: 200 Years.

A Century of Compulsory Voting celebrates the introduction of compulsory voting in federal elections in Australia in 1924. Compulsory voting laid one of the foundations for our distinctive electoral system and gave effect to the ideal that every Australian should have a voice.

In August, we look back on our historic past and the end of an era with a set of two stamps celebrating the Centenary of the Last Cobb & Co. Coach. These horse-drawn coaches were previously used for the carriage of mail in Australia. After 70 years on the road the last journey, in 1924, was between Yuleba and Surat in Queensland.

The first of two featured wildlife stamp issues presents four species of Australian Antarctic Territory Seals. At home on the pack-ice and icy waters of Antarctica, the Leopard Seal is one of two species in the region listed as under threat and is easily identifiable. Designed for speed, the Leopard Seal’s body is slender with long fore-flippers, with a large head its jaw opens widely revealing unusually long canines and complex sharply pointed molars.

Koalas found in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory are listed as endangered under national environmental law. Australia Post is supporting the World Wide Fund for Nature Australia (WWF-Australia) in raising awareness with a stamp issue titled Koalas in Danger. Learn about the work of WWF-Australia at auspost.com.au/environment. Products for this issue include medallion covers and designed gutters for collectors of this much-loved Australian marsupial.

Also featured are licensed stamp packs and special releases, including a postal and numismatic cover for His Majesty King Charles III.

Philatelic Team


This content was produced at the time of the Stamp Bulletin publication date and will not be updated.