In this next instalment of the Meet the Team series we interview Kerry Tillison, who has been with Australia Post for an incredible 23 years. Since 2004, Kerry has been the Publications Manager for Australia Post Philatelic.

As part of her role, Kerry is editor of the Australian Stamp Bulletin and the Impressions catalogue – in the case of the Stamp Bulletin, the second-longest serving editor, in fact. She also assists with advertising and direct mail campaigns, the mail order function and major projects for the Collector Services area of the Philatelic Group.

Kerry Tillison at work on the latest edition of the Stamp Bulletin
Kerry Tillison at work on the latest edition of the Stamp Bulletin

When was the Australian Stamp Bulletin first released and how often is it issued?

The first edition of what was then called the Philatelic Bulletin appeared in August 1953. It was an eight-page bimonthly newsletter with an initial print run of just 800.

It provided supplementary information about stamp issues to that provided in media releases and also included other philatelic news of interest to collectors. The audience was made up of philatelic societies, organisations and individuals, and also editors of philatelic journals.

When I first started work as editor of the Stamp Bulletin back in 2004 there were three separate versions of each edition – Specialist, Collector and Overseas – and only four editions each year, which were sent out quarterly. In 2005, we amalgamated the three versions to provide all collectors with the same level of detail and information.

In January 2008, we looked at the regularity of information available to collectors and decided to increase the Stamp Bulletin to six editions each year, sent out bi-monthly.

What is the purpose of the Stamp Bulletin and who is its intended audience?

The Stamp Bulletin is produced to announce new Australian stamp issues to collectors of philatelic material and collectables.

Anyone can subscribe and it’s free!  As well as a print version, available through subscription or from Australian Post Offices, the Stamp Bulletin can be viewed online. Archived editions can also be found online, including the very first one. The digital format comes out just before the print version. An alert is sent to subscribers to the Australia Post Collectables e-newsletter when the digital format is available.

What sort of information does each edition contain?

Each edition brings collectors details of new stamp issue releases by Australia Post, including background information for each stamp issue, details of any associated philatelic products, stamp technical specifications and special features. Licensed stamp products and coins (numismatics) from the Royal Australian Mint and The Perth Mint are a feature of each edition.

A full list of all included stamp products is provided in the back of each edition, complete with the item’s mail order and Post Office product code to assist collectors. A listing of planned local stamp shows and events is also provided to support individual stamp clubs and associations and collecting in Australia.

What is the process for producing the publication each month and what is your role in that process?

As Editor, I look after the production of each Stamp Bulletin from concept through to distribution. A timeline of the tasks involved is set toward the release date, and this includes building the included product list, assigning mail order codes, sourcing information about each stamp issue, technical specifications and promotional copywriting for stamp products.

Which areas of the Philatelic team are involved and in what way?

Philatelic Researchers supply the background to each new stamp issue and check that details included in the Stamp Bulletin are correct at the time of printing.

Our Category team looks after the Stamp and Stationery Issue Program schedule and the final list of products for each edition is based on this information.

The Design Studio is responsible for presenting the publication in accordance with the design brief. The final look of each edition is a result of a close working relationship between the editor and the individual designer working on the edition.

Our Production area supplies all of the mail order codes for each product listed in the Stamp Bulletin and also the technical specifications listed with each new stamp issue.

The Collector Services team supplies information on new and recent postmarks, planned advertising and special features.

As you can see, there’s involvement from all of the different areas of the Philatelic Group!

Do you also liaise with members of the public in relation to content?

Information from stamp clubs, societies and event organisers are submitted for inclusion in the events section of each Stamp Bulletin. These need to be received before planning of the edition begins to ensure we can accommodate as many requests as we can, but space is limited. Event details are also listed online through the Australia Post Collectables website.

New postmark requests can come from members of the public and these details are also announced via the Stamp Bulletin. Information is also submitted by stamp dealers and philatelic associations.

The deadlines must be fairly tight. How do you manage them?

Because we produce an edition every eight weeks I can be working on up to three editions at a time – final art and production of one, layout and development of another, and then the initial planning and product list-building for the next edition. And then somewhere in there is the Impressions catalogue at the end of each year – this is a major project and I start work on that catalogue in the first half of the year.

Managing the schedule for each edition can be tricky, especially when you’re working on more than one edition at a time. Part of this is ensuring that each associated task within the timeline is adhered to enable us to meet set deadlines. You also need to be ready for sudden and unforeseen changes to content, make decisions about adjustments to the edition, but still go to final art on the expected date.

What do you enjoy most about your role and what are the main challenges?

It’s the challenges that make my role enjoyable, and also the people I work with. There can be major changes within an edition, and this can occur on the verge of printing, but the planned release date for the publication doesn’t change. Our commitment to collectors is to release details of new stamp issues and their associated products ahead of the stamp issue release date.

Some decisions that affect content are outside the control of the Philatelic Group, and these need to be accommodated for within the allowable timeline. It certainly keeps you on your toes!

I’ve also built up some strong relationships with collectors, and representatives of stamp clubs and philatelic associations, both here and overseas.

How can people subscribe to the Stamp Bulletin?

The Australian Stamp Bulletin is produced in hard copy and digital format.

To subscribe and receive a free printed copy of the Australian Stamp Bulletin, contact the Philatelic Bureau on 1800 331 794 (Freecall within Australia) or +61 3 9887 0033 or via email at

This article was produced at the time of publication and will not be updated.

Philatelic Team
