These five Stamps show animals from our country’s prehistoric life.

The Australian Dinosaurs stamps feature four dinosaurs and one pterosaur (winged lizard) from the Cretaceous Period (145–66 million years ago).

Student Activities

Our student activities include fun and engaging activities that focus on discovering more about Australian dinosaurs from the Cretaceous Period.

Years 1–3:

Lower Primary Years 1–3

Educational resources to use in the classroom at any time of the year.

Years 4–6:

Upper Primary Years 4–6

Including fun activities you can do in class with your teacher and friends.

More activities and resources

If you’re a parent, caregiver or teacher, here are some free resources to share with children. Want some more advice on stamp collecting? Read our tips on starting a collection.

It's cool

Cool Stuff About Stamps

Behind the scenes of Stamp Collecting, one of the most popular hobbies in Australia.

  • What are stamps?
  • How are stamps made?
  • Stamp stuff to collect