Hello Collectors

Welcome to the September edition of the Stamp Bulletin for 2024, in which we present new stamp releases and collectables to be released over the coming weeks.

This edition presents the first of the stamp issues for September celebrating our 2024 Collecting Month with a set of nostalgic stamp designs from Kids’ Showtime Greats. This issue features a look back at children’s programs produced in Australia, with emphasis on those that have reached success both at home and abroad.

For a century the Brownlow Medal has been the highest individual honour in the Australian Football League (AFL). It was first awarded in 1924 and each year is bestowed upon the Fairest and Best player in the AFL competition that season. We mark this anniversary with 100 Years of the Brownlow Medal.

In August, we celebrate Universal Postal Union 150 Years, established on 9 October 1874. The Universal Postal Union (UPU) facilitates a uniform, worldwide postal system. It sets the rules and standards for the exchange of international mail among its 192 member countries. An agency of the United Nations, the UPU is based in Bern, Switzerland.

Our Cocos (Keeling) Islands Hermit Crabs feature the three hermit crabs from the genus Coenobita found on the Cocos (Keeling ) Islands. These hermit crabs spawn in the ocean but are terrestrial as adults, surviving on land by retaining moisture in their shells.

Finally, Kalkadoon Dreaming celebrates artwork from acclaimed contemporary Kalkadoon (Kalkatungu) artist Chern’ee Sutton. The stamps represent the artist’s traditional Country in the Mount Isa region of Queensland.

Also featured are licensed stamp packs and special releases, including information on the Canberra Stampshow 2024 hosted on the 12-15 September and the Sydney Money Expo 2024 hosted by ANDA on 19-20 October.

Philatelic Team


This content was produced at the time of the Stamp Bulletin publication date and will not be updated.